The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.

THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .    Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess  they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news   is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b...

The Flash Season 8 episode 1Update.(Amageddon Part 1).

 The Flash season 8 episode 1 begins by showing central city 10 years from now in total choas as the flash runs past then with a man showing up saying something like "No one had the power to stop this but I do" then he disappears.


            The shows begins again showing central city again in the present day with Barry and Caitlin taking a walk towards ccjitters talking about frost.

              Barry and Caitlin at ccjitters having a conversation when the alert on Barry phone rings up informing him of a train down town about to collide Barry quickly speeds up to scene and save every one on both trains by evacuating them in 12 seconds and returning back to Caitlin at ccjitters then Caitlin praises him saying you have seriously leveled up.



.             Iris on the other hand also was having an interview with captain Kramer concerning the lifting of the meta human task force .



           Long after Barry and iris were at home trying to spend some romantic time then suddenly a door bell intercepts .They quickly went to check on the door . Guess who it was? It was Ray palmer . Then Barry and iris both welcomes him asking him about Nora his wife he said she was busy in making some kids happy.








             Soon Barry left to investigate a crime sin of a robbery perpertraited by some some group of meta humans who can themself the "royal flush".

            Then all of a sudden the police were going after something Barry just outside Barry's lab while him and ciciyo were trying to figure out and investigate and the robbery earlier in which a tech was stolen . Then Barry quickly asked one of the cops what's going she told him that the prison just experiences a power failure for a second. Then Barry quickly speeds up and shuts all the prison door before any prisoner could escape.


            Then soon after Barry and the rest of the team weer trying to figure out what the royal flush gang were up to . Then they suddenly figure it out then Barry speeds up to their hide out weer they were transferring 50 million dollars to thier account and wanted to get rid of the hacker that help them in doing so then Barry speeds up and send him to CCPD then the royal flash gang were feeling confident even though the flash was present to stop as they have a meta on their team who could rid minds . So their leader cycickly told all of them to attack the flash at one but Barry moved to quick inorder to pause the then and turned them against each other leading them to attack each other and then handcuffs them.

               Then later on their was an official interview iris got with ray palmer then shortly after the interview despero shows up and told them to run why their was total choas as every one fleed the scene.

               Then Barry shoes up as the flash then desparo says"those who were once good died easily" and also says he came to kill the flash. Then Barry says"who ever you are if your looking for a fight you have found one . Then desparo touches his belt then transforms into a 10 feet tall giant giant then Barry quickly runs around him at superspeed but desparo over powered him by punching the ground releasing a shock wave that sends Barry flying away from the building through the window breaking the glasses and then outside to were the crowd werer gathered .

               Then desparo jumps from the the building landing outside . Then tells Barry he was born amoung the stars trapping him on a vacuum was pointless .


               Then atom shows up to help Barry then he tells Barry everyone has a weakness then he shrinks himself and flues into desparo's belt then Barry creates a speed marage then runs round desparo then wanted to deliver a punch to him but desparo punched him at the chest sending him smashing into a cab .


              Then desparo coming to finish up Barry when Barry tells him to show him what happened why he said he was good once then he shows Barry that scene at the beginning of the show then tells Barry he was the one that created it and then tells him that's why he is gonna kill him.


             As he tries to attack Barry atom finally finished tempering with the belt sending desparo of,some where else and saving barry.

           Then Barry was at star labs with the rest of the team trying to figure out what was wrong then Barry says he would like to talk to desparo.

See:Review and Download of the Flash S08x17

          Barry was at a point in starlabs waiting for desparo them suddenly desparo shows up To cut it short,Barry goes clean with desparo revealing his identity to him and then tell him to scan his mind to see if their is any glitch or something has done wrong but desparo finds nothin see latest Episode . Episode 17


            Then desparo gives Barry 7 days that he is not evil and then tells Barry that within that time if he finds anything wrong in his mind he will end him.

NOTE: Some parts were skipped.

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