The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.
THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download .The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force .
•The Reverse Flash Returns :
Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .
Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris
it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess
they were good for something ).
Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with
his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry
Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces .
• Could Iris Be Alive ? :
Yes , the good news is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris been trapped into the time stone with Damion dark.
• How is Iris Alive ?:
Damion darks tells explains
it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess
they were good for something ).
Barry gets anoyyed strikes
thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry .
Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces .
• Could Iris Be Alive ?:
Yes , the good news is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris been trapped into the time stone with Damion dark.
• How is Iris Alive ?:
Damion darks tells explains
this mystery telling her the moment she was about to die ,
the time stone sense
she hasn't reached her full potential then it draws her in saving her .
She escapes out , by reinginiting the spark of the speed force in her .
• Thawne Gets More Powerful By The Help Of The Negative Forces:
After been summoned the negative force levels up by the forces ,
they combines makes thawne more powerful.
Barry pays a visit to thawne and sees what going on but he was sent back by the forces .
• Reverse Flash Rains Terror On Central City :
After been fortified by the forces to thawne terrorize the city killing civilians in his part .
Team flash comes to the rescue this time around , it's Bart,Nora, Barry and Milliar but it turns
out thawne is too powerful he sends the whole team
excluding Barry back in time billions of years ago.
• The Positive Forces Reaches out To Cecile :
Syche reaches to Cecile thanks to her sycick abilities
and was able to bring back the positive forces inorder to team up against the negative forces .
•The Flash vs the Reverse Flash:
The fight
is on buy thawne over powers Barry after been fortified by negative forces before he could finish up Barry ,
the positive forces shows up ,levels up barry.
Now ,Barry and Thawne are equals,Barry battles with him , as a result beats the hell out of thawne as a result of two been engaged the city is feeling it .
• The Defeat Of The Reverse Flash:
On seeing this Barry stops and says he is not gonna fight thawne anymore, so the city wouldn't suffer but thawne is still not backing down he generates much lighting recking everything in it's part and killing civilians .
Barry pauses time and reverses it as a result all those much lightening
generates by thawne is been sent back to him destroying him. Wow Barry defeats the reverse flash.
With Thawne gone Bart and Nora heads home ,while iris and Barry worries about
the next avatar of the negative speed force ,Milliar loses her powers .
"Who over is the new avatar when he shows up , we would be ready " says Barry.
• Could Frost Be Back In The Next Episode ?
Mark is done with the project
of bring frost back but it is left for us to see who is in it. I guess till next episode
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