The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.

THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .    Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess  they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news   is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b...



Looks like we aren't the only one that leveled up this year .

          The show starts up showing a local bar and a young man who that is been attacked by some heat signatures.

           Then show starts up again showing barry and iris at their home. 

          It's time for barry to go out for work but iris suggested they go out for lunch then looks at the calendar and says they should just stay at home.

        She said that because,today 1st of February was the day henry allen(barry's father was born). 
        Barry's phone beebs alerting him that he I needed at his work place.  It then tells iris that he has to go then goes to the crime scene asa CSI.
       The crime scene shows a body been burnt (the earlier attack at the begining of the show ) barry then,takes a look at the body and sees that th fired that burnt it was strange and usual .
       The next day,a heat based meta, "birch" who worked as a security was trying to hook up with his son but the soon doesn't show him attention rather,acts like his dad "birch" is a disappointment then he walks away from his father.
       Few seconds later,CCPD police cars drives in surrounding birch with the corps trying to place him under arrest for the murder of that guy at the local bar earlier.As a result his son would be taken care of by the social care group .
        Then they take his son away . On seeing that ,he got way more upset and tells them they shouldn't touch the son. He then burst into flame( he uses his meta ability to create fire ) on seeing that,the corps were unsecured and scared .
           Before he could do any damage,flash shows up meta handcuffing him. Then the police carried him away putting him in the CCPD vehicle while doing that,he shouted saying "Son I am innocent,Flash you gotta help I am innocent " then the corps takes him away .
             While at the Citizen media,iris assign ellegra and tailer to an interview (ellegra and tailer are not even in good terms ) .
           During the interview at cc-jitters,ellegra sees one of her ex-convient mate from iron heights.she excuse then at the interview to see her .
         Ellegra with up with her old pal,she then tells ellegra short that,she is lucky she got a good job after been released from iron heights unlike her who is just a cleaner at CC-jitters and could not find a job better than that as a result of her past records.
       Ellegra tells her that she can help her by writing an article about her. 
          Later on at Citizen media,ellegra submits the article she writi to iris and iris tells her that she would piblish it but next time ,she should not have abandoned the earlier interview and would have informed her of she wants to .
        Ellegra apologizes and then goes to apologize to tailer for abandoning her na d the interview but tailer shows more raw hat towards ellegra and tells her "I would destroy you".
       Barry later meets up with cecile about the case earlier because he is having a believe that birch is innocent because ,he had the face of his father who was innocent when the police was arresting him about the murder of his mother. It tells cecile that he thinks he is innocent .

        Cecile tells him that even if birch was innocent all the evidence points to him.barry tells cecile to use her meta abilities (mind reading power( to see if birch is innocent but,cecile doesn't buy the idea because ,it is against their ethics.
          Cecile conducts an interview with birch asking him question while barry was at ears to what he has to say . But,by what he is saying they could not get a solid defence for the case.
        Barry and cecile still deliberating in the case,they were informed that birch has escaped. 
        Birch goes to the eye withness and confronts her that all because of her ,be is been separated from his son .
       Later on,CCPD was alerted that the witness was dead and the body was burnt as the first case was.
Barry on hearing this had made birch matters more worsw for birch and made the case of proving him innocent, more complicated 
        Barry later meets up with team flash at starlabs concerning this case but the team doesn't believe that birch could be innocent.  Barry  gets upset and says if they don't want to help ,he will do it himself he then speed's off.
       Barry goes to his lab investigating the case inorder to prove tgat birch is innocent . Joe's comes in and advices him that,if his guts tell I'm that he is innocent then for henry's sake he should prove pursue the matter .
        Barry was alerted to come to starlabs were they gave him a good news that they have the evidence that birch is innocent.
          While birch sin was been driven to custody,birch stands in front of the car demanding for his son but the police resisted then he gets angry then burst into flames again before he could make matters worst,Flash  and frost shows up quenching the flame .
          Then flash tells him " I know you are innocent" and tells him to stop so that matters wouldn't worsen.Thwnthe ground shakens they birch says he isn't doing any thing before we could know it, A huge splat of lava purst out if the ground.
          Landing at the point first was staying barry quickly saves her by running her out if the way then Barry says that it is as a result of birch emotions and his powers are drawing heat from the larva under ground .
        Chester tells Barry in COMS that remaining 30 seconds before the larva destroys central city.
          Barry tells birch he has an idea. He says that he would go under ground all what birch has to do is to absorb the heat.
         Barry faces under ground and pours the city's water channel into the up rising larva from under ground then steams bursts out from the ground birch then absorbs te heat saving thousands of people from being toast .
         Later on birch name was cleared and was now given custody of his son .
        Later on barry, iris ,joe and cecile celebrates henry's birthday .
        Barry late ron meets up with the team at starlabs and says that after the investigation of this case ,he discovered that there is a serial killer on the lose and they should stop him before he hurts any one .
      The show ends....

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