The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.

THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .    Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess  they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news   is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b...




           It begins with the opening scene of iris and Deon with Doen ,checking up on iris because of her time sickness .
          Deon uses his still force to check up on her but he isn't finding any anomaly  and tells iris she is fine but iris isn't convienceded and narrates how she has been happening some strange happenings which is being related to time .
         Deon checks again and this time he found something strange that he hasn't seen before to the extend,he coudnt explain it to iris and tells her he is gonna meet up with the other forces to find out what's going on and then bring the report to her.

        Then the show starts up Showing team flash at starlabs trying to Figure out the meta serial killer from the previousEpisode. Then,chester shows up informing the team of his device that detects the flame of the serial killer .

         After on vailing the new device to the team and doing some connections the device was ready to go. Few minutes after the set up the alarm blows off as it was program to informing the team of the strange fire connected to the serial killer they believe.

         Flash speeds up from star-labs to the point if incident but when he reaches he was late the victim was already on fire by the strange fire leaving flash in disappointment.

         Later on the CCPD comes in to the case with Barry as the CSI inspecting the burnt corpse being along side with chester.

        Barry still finds a strange small flame still lighted on the corpes.

        Then he tells chester that they could store the flame and take a look at it inorder to go further on the investigation.

        Chester's tell Barry they have such a facility but it's at star-labs . Barry then vibrates causing him to be invisible then speeds up to star labs and then brings it to the scene.

       Chester then, collects the flame storing it Ina the containment facility then carries it to star-labs.

       While at citizen media ,sue derborne visits engaging in discussing with iris and ellegra then she mentions about a meta at coast city who could walk through walls .

      Ellegra then pulls of an idea to write an article about it saying she would accompline sue inorder to get a lead on the story but iris ,intercepts saying she would go with sue and ellegra would cove up for her at the CC media .

      Iris and Sue arrives at Coast city then quickly locates the meta Human at a restaurant with the aid of Chester's meta tracker app .

       They meets up her then tries a conversation but it didn't go well because she got mad at them with the excuse that they want to write a story about she destroys iris's phone then walks away .

          Iris and Sue in following suit,wokrs out of the restaurant then sue asks iris what's going on with her . Iris tells her about her time sickness and also tells her that she feels she is loosing time. Then sue  smartly figured out  she is using this case to get over it .

        While at star-labs chester and Barry delivers the sample(the strange flame earlier)

      Barry leaves chester to watch over the sample .he soon falls asleep and start dreaming of the strange fire burning up star-labs and then coming for him .then he wakes up seeing the rest of the team surrounding him because he was shouting while sleeping as a result of  freight.

         Iris and Sue on the other hand confronts the meta again but this time around it was a success trying to talk to her because iris made research if her past and then tells her "we would help you find your mum".

        At star-labs with the team wondering what's wrong with chester ellegra goes to talk to chester and then encourages him that he isn't alone  .

         Chester discloses to her that the fire is hunting him . He that his father hi s hunting him with the strange fire. Because,he believes that his father died alone in the car crash alone ."I could hear his voices shouting for help when his car catch on fire but no one came for him"says chester.

         Alll of a sudden the flame escaped and started burning up this in the workshop where chester and ellegra were the flame grew stronger and stronger ellegra quickly places a distress call without hesitation flash shows up trying to put out the fire but doesn't work then the fire vanishes all of a sudden.

             And the strangest thing of all,is that nothing was destroyed at star-labs .

            Barry and the team still trying to figure out why this is happening within a short period of time the alarm blows up again this time around showing the fire is intense and it all over star labs except for their meeting point .

           Chester blames himself for all of this ,telling the team that the fire is hunting him .Flash and killer frost goes to the seed lab to try putting it of but it failed as a result they got trapped with the fire consuming everything in their part and closing on them .

              Cicile uses her powers to scan for the presence of the fire  and see it's coming to the meeting point . Barry alerts them to leave why they still can .

            The fire finally made way into the meeting point then turns into chester's dad and tells chester to hold his hand but ellegra ,Cecile tells chester to resist yelling him that that isn't his dad but chester resisted them .

           On stretching his hand, he remembered that his dad wouldn't tell him to leave everything behind just to be with him rather he would be proud of what he is today .

         Chester with boldness yells him and tells him to go to hell .

           It then vanishes with others. Saving Barry and the rest of the team from being toast.

           Ellegra hugs him together with Cecile .

         Later on,Cecile sees chester and ellegra together having a talk she comes in ,intercepting it,but uses her powers to sense their emotions then left them (smiling).

           Iris later on,calls Barry via video call telling Barry if the luxurious live sue Dearborn lives and tells Barry she really want to help that meta-human.

Barry :That's what I love about you,you really bring out the best in people.

Iris:That's what I also live about you too.

Barry: I am so glad you aren't around with this while thing going on .

Iris: you mean the strange fire incidence .

           Later in,team flash at their  meeting point trying to figure out the mystery then discovers tht the fire feeds on grieve . No wonder, he came for chester na d they also figured out that the victims were passing through awful times which bright about sorrow and grieve leading the fire to them to feed on .

          Iris after the discussion,Deon shows up telling her that it looks bad .

      The show  finally comes to a close .

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