The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.

THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .    Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess  they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news   is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b...

The Flash Season 8 Episode 4(Ammagedon Part 4)(Update).



       The show as usual begins with Barry in the future " central city 2031" from the previous episode still in shock seeing all his friends turns against him then Barry tells them that he is him "Barry"that iris is his wife ciciyo scans his mind with her powers saying for him he is saying the truth then Barry says he is gonna prove it to him then bring out his ring to suit hope to turn to the flash but unexpectedly suit ups to reverse flash and says "thawne what did you do"? then eobard thawne tells him he is not the flash then he transforms to the flash . Wow this is surprising as Eoboard thawne switches himself in place of Barry now Barry seems to look like the villain in this scenario and thawne the hero how tragic!!. 

          Then the show begins again then eobard says "team flash suit up " then the team stays on standby against Barry then Eoboard throws a lightening bolt to Barry sending smashing through the table then Barry says they have to believe him but the team gives him no listening ears as thawne again tries to throw a lightening bolt again Barry dodges and counters by attacking eobard beating him up then the team comes to the rescue beating up Barry then ellegra strikes Barry with her uv powers telling Barry "And this is for Cisco"sending Barry smashing to the ground then iris quickly rushes to see if eobard was alright but Barry gets up quickly and snatches iris quickly at superspeed bringing iris to Thier housing telling he then tells her she is his lightening rod trying to convienece her that he is not villain but thawne didn't give him a chance as he snatches Barry at super speed.

         Thawne bring Barry to deserted road/yard telling Barry that iris isn't his lightening rod anymore that she his is lightening rod. Telling Barry how he went back in time and cause many time anachronisms telling him how he time traveled to the past killing Barry as a child,causing joe's death,how he sobotaged star labs and how he exchange Barry'splace inorder to be strucked by lightening and then tells him since his last encounter with Barry he found out that he was clearly faster than him and the only way to beat him was to him was to steal his life then Barry gets angry and tries to punch him but didn't work thawne in confidence,tells him that very soon he would be erased out of existence as a result of what he did (killing Barry as a child from the past )then Barry noticed he started phasing in and out of time then thawne tells him "now who is faster "then strikes him with a lightening sending Barry to a black out . 

          Then Barry got and zoomed off then later then later on he was at a restaurant then he suddenly sees the news of Damion dark been released from prisoner and how they said was responsible for the death of Cisco and ray palmer with the news saying reverse flash is on the loose .

          Barry speeds up to Damion's house pretending to be the main reverse flash telling planning with Damion telling Damion "he wants a payback on the flash"then Damion and Barry partners together then goes and Rob their device for their plan out of starlabs then a during the robbery Damion decided to do more by killing the team but Barry quickly speeds up and snatched him away before he could hurt the team then Damion tells Barry that "thawne he knew wouldn't have done that but would have allowed him " Barry tries to cover up but it was invain as Damion has already doubted him then Damion chokes barry with his powers asking him to tell him who he really I then barry tells him what really happened then Barry says he needs his help but Damion says "I'm the bad guy I can't help a hero " then Barry tells to him futher that if he helps restore the time line Nora wouldn't be dead (Damion's daughter ) then Damion checks if he is saying the truth by using his time stone to confirm the Damion agrees to help him .

         Barry tells Damion he has run the  the calculations  that for him to open the portal inorder to reset the time line he needs to reach mach 20 and tells Damion that he would need a track inorder to run at that speed then Damion indirectly tells him to use the earth but Barry laments telling him he wouldn't be fast enough and also says if he uses the earth the pressure could cause natural disasters and could destroy the earth then Barry quickly figures it out that this is Ammagedon Damion motivating him telling him that speed doesn't matter that it's love then Barry laments telling him that iris doesn't feel the same way which is as a result of the reverse flash point thawne created then Barry later on gets confidence then gets to work .

           Barry runs iris telling her that he loves her and tries to convince her again but thawne intercept saying "nice try " then tells iris to shoot him with the velocity zero gun she was already holding pointing towards Barry but she resist his command then as thawne tries to attack Barry he got shut by iris ( iris has been havibg doubt about thawne ever since Barry called her his lightening rod )then iris tells Barry to run then Barry speeds up to Damion already at the starting point then he thanks Damion for helping him then Damion tells him to run then he sped of. 

           On the other hand the relationship between chester and ellegra are going through crises then davis Tries to put them together because she has Been noticing their friendship having some troubles then she confronts ellegra telling ellegra that she lied to her saying that chester ghosted her then ellegra finally opens up telling her she is afraid of loosing him that's why she regretted him with an excuse of how she has been a victim of a broken relationship in the past then riyon comes in telling ellegra advicing her that she she give it a chance that chester really needs her in his life .

             Then a of a sudden chester detected Barry by the help of star labs satellites as eobard instructed him to and then informs the team intercepting the conversion between ellegra,bat woman and riyon then they all assemble to their main meeting point at starlabs the team on seeing Barry running round the globe and says the speed wave is causing natural disasters  round the globe and as a result could cause extinction on seeing this the team were freaking out  saying this could be the end of the world then riyon indirectly tells ellegra " if anyone has anything to say let them say it now "then the team were worried that the earth would be destroyed in some Less that 3 minutes from now then were wondering were thawne was then thawne suddenly pops up pursuing Barry in an attempt to stop him .

               While other hand,Damion dark informs Barry that he is been chased by thawne while fighting frost and her partner as frost and her partner was protected by the spell of John Constantine so that Damion's powers would have no effects on them .

                 While in star labs the team were freaking out as the think this would be the end of the world then chester says 85 seconds more and says "come in flash catch him"(referring to thawne )then ellegra then out of the blue tells chester that she loves him then chester too tells her the same thing then they both kissed living Caitlin in Surprise.


                 Barry while running tells Damion that he wouldn't be fast enough but Damion tells him to focus then thawne chasing Barry telling Barry he is too late then Barry while at that the same time Damion getting beaten up by the rest of the team outside starlabs .

                Barry focuses and think about iris and his memories with iris while still on the run then iris on the other hand says "I love you Barry " with lightening glowing in her eyes "then all of a sudden Barry fells his connection with iris as a result got more faster and accelerated leaving thawne behind and then the time portal opens then he tells runs in .

                While on the other hand way back at the present desparo tutures ciciyo asking them to tell him we're Barry but she says she doesn't know then desparo tells her that "For the last time where is Barry of not she will join the others in life in  eternity "then the show shows the rest of the team dead . cicile in pain and in sorrow says she doesn't know then desparo goes on to kill her with his sycick power them all of a sudden a wave come upon everyone . Guess what !!?Barry suceeded in reseting the time line making the rest of the team alive and sends desparo to a spot at starlabs.


                 Barry shows up explaining to him every thing that happened and then tells him the should go to the future and confirm then desparo turns into the giant and tells Barry that if he goes and sees something goes wrong he would come back to kill Barry  . Then he disappears.

               With the victory over thawne for now Barry goes to meet his team as the flash and sees them in an happy mode then he speeds up and hugged iris then says"I have missed you" then cicile scans his mind with her powers because he was acting weirld and says "Barry are you alright ?" Then iris asked Barry did something go wrong ? Then Barry says yes saying he would tell them later . Then iris says she want to talk to Joe Barry insist he would talk to Joe ( I guess as Joe was dead in the reverse flash point )then he quicky takes the phone saying "joe is it really you ?" with joy and happiness all written all over his face .

             Then after then ,the show shows thawne suited up as reverse flash (back to normal) at the time vault saying "no one uses time against me ".

         I guess there is more to it and would see more on Episode 5 .



 how he sabotage 



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