The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.
THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock . Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b...