
The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.

THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .    Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess  they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news   is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b

The Flash S08x18 "The Man in A Yellow Tie",Review & Download.

  THE FLASH SEASON 8 EPISODE 18, REVIEW & DOWNLOAD. On Training milliar ,Barry discovers that her powers is been fueled by the negative speed force,which turns her against him. The Cw's Flash Season 8 Episode 18 Review: • Barry's Training Session With Milliar: Barry kept his word as he said,in the  PREVIOUS EPISODE  he would train Milliar to use her abilities .Everything was going well as Milliar was able to cover 300m/s but wasn't still fast enough to catch up with the flash then Unknowly threw a lightening bolt .The training session was over since her powers only last for some few minutes. • Cecile Levels Up : Robbers break in where cecile was in, with other civilians ,cecile stands up for them trying to be brave , uses her powers to knock them all out even when she was threatened to be laid to waste. She discovers that her powers has drastically leveled up . SEE THE FlASH S08X16 REVIEW $ DOWNLOAD Barry discloses to the team he

The Flash S08×17 "Keep It Dark" Review & Download.

 THE FLASH SEASON 8 EPISODE 17 REVIEW & DOWNLOAD. The CW'S Flash Season 8 Episode 17 Review and Download :Barry (Grant Gustin) discovers a new speed  star in the process of following the lead pays a visit to the reverse flash . The CW'S Flash Season 8 Episode 17 Highlights: • There is a new speed star in Town                               The show starts up with Barry running to quench a fire labs where he find out that someone has already quenched at superspeed and saves the civilians . Barry and chester investigates and Discovers that there is a new speed star in Town .His first suspect was Eoboad thawne .so he goes to meet up with him  at iron heights . • Barry(Grant Gustin)Goes To See The Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanash)                            "What made you run all the way to see me "says thawne. Barry tells him concerning the case of the new speed star trying to get a clue from thawne . Thawne later tells him that this ne

The Flash SO8×16 “The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen".

THE CW'S FlASH SEASON 8 EPISODE 16 DOWNLOAD & NARRATIVE.        The show begins with Barry (Grant Gustin) patrolling Central city saving citizens such like stopping a thief, stopping a robbery  and also saving an old woman from being hit by a car .       Barry(Grant Gustin) runs to meet the team having a great time at Joe's house playing a family  game .        His phone beeps, guess who called ? ,It was captain David . Barry speeds up to meet up ,he tells Barry he came because of a recent case of investigating someone stealing tech from mercury labs .         Barry super speeds the while investigation process marveling David then quickly solves the case that hide out location would be around the lake.  then later went to inform the team .           Barry searches the perimeter he believes he would see the hide out on searching he sees it .

The Flash:Season 8 Episode 14 Narrative And Download.

 THE  CW'S FLASH SEASON 8 EPISODE 14 DOWNLOAD AND NARRATIVE. The catchy clip from The Cw's Flash 8×14         From the cw's Previous   Episode,team flash deals with a great loss the ice queen,frost as she went on an heroic save but this time around losses her life in the process. THE  CW'S FLASH 8×14 NARRATIVE ."FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND".         The cw's show begins with different members  of team flash grieving frost (Danielle panabaker). It first starts up with chester at cc-jitters lost in taught staring at "killer frost" menu ,ellegra and iris also at CC media  grieving and also with the rest of the team                            The alert goes of wow, a new villain they call him the "block buster".           The team shows up to stop him from robbing the bank . The buster is wearing a stolen suit from mecury labs  that amplifies bio-chemical reaction and turns it into strength .             Buster hit the ground making a shoc

The Flash Season 8 Episode 13 Download and Narrative.

The Cw Flash Season 8 Episode 13 Narrative and Download . Frost Final moment, before she dies .😢😢            Previous question from the last episode like: •Is Eddie Alive? • Would Team Flash be Able to Defeat death storm ?. • Would Caitlin be Saved ?.                Would be answered during the narrative.            . The show starts up ,showing up the scene of iris and Eddie from the previous Episode .iris in shock says "Eddie"? Then he answers it's him .then sue is confused asking iris"why is there an attractive guy in the kitchen".             The shows starts up            Showing the flash parading the city in search for death storm then speeds up into starlab( speed lab) where he meets the rest of the team . "So this machine is meant to transform frost into anti-death storm". •At Coast City :             Eddie comes in to their mist then says to sue "hi I'm Eddie , iris's fiancee". Iris plays along trying to distra

The Flash Season 8 Episode 11 Download And Narrative.

    The Cw Flash Season 8 Episode 11 download and Narrative.         At the end of this narrative questions from the previous  EPISODE  like : Who Is Behind The Black Fire? Is Rooney Alive?       It begins with the opening scene going way back to 2012 were Rooney and Caitlin shad some memoriable moments together.       Then shows the previous the scene at the ending of the previous  Episode  where the black fire appears to caitlin telling her to save him . TAR-LABS:        Caitlin meets the team informing them about her encounter with the fire and tells them she believes it's Rooney and she wants to save him .            Barry and the rest of the team doesn't go to well with it because ,at the previously, it tricked chester into thinking it was his dad who was deceased.   AT COAST CITY:        The new meta gets upset at iris for the disappearance of her mum sue tries to contact Barry but the time sickness disappears her phone   and then tells her


                  It starts up showing coaster city  from the  PREVIOUS EPISODE  the scene of iris and Deon with Deon telling her briefly,that the time sickness could be caused as a result of the timeline change during  Ammagedon .          Then iris triggers the distress call then Barry quickly arrives then she tells Barry what's going on .Barry buys up the idea to stay beside iris through the sickness but iris didn't rather ,she told Barry to stay with them flash and figure out the whole strange fire case.           While at Caitlin's frost was having a good time painting  happily then suddenly ,the fire shows up attacks frost leaving a wound at her arm .          She makes her idea face,then meets up her mum (Caitlin's mum( who is an expert in cold fission(that's why the fire runs on) then conviences with her plan,then meets up with star-labs informing the team of her plan (To use her as a bait to lure to flame to star-labs then trap it ).        The rest

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