The Flash S08×20 "Negative Part 2" Review & Download.

THE Cw's Flash S08×20, "Negative Part 2". Review & Download . The Flash S08×20: The lifelong battle between the reverse flash and The Flash continues but this time around gets tough as thawne, is being back up by the negative force . •The Reverse Flash Returns : Thawne returns as a result of the negative force taking over Eoboard's body leaving Milliar hearth broken and Barry in shock .    Thawne explains how he is back ("I killed your mum it was the rebirth of the flash ,now I killed iris it was the rebirth of the reverse flash , I guess  they were good for something ). Barry gets anoyyed strikes thawne continnoisly with his lightening almost killing him Bart and Nora arrrives on time stopping Barry . Thawne disappers as he is been summoned by the negative forces . • Could Iris Be Alive ? : Yes , the good news   is, she is alive in as much as she is alive iris b...



       It starts up showing coaster city  from the PREVIOUS EPISODE  the scene of iris and Deon with Deon telling her briefly,that the time sickness could be caused as a result of the timeline change during Ammagedon.

         Then iris triggers the distress call then Barry quickly arrives then she tells Barry what's going on .Barry buys up the idea to stay beside iris through the sickness but iris didn't rather ,she told Barry to stay with them flash and figure out the whole strange fire case.

          While at Caitlin's frost was having a good time painting  happily then suddenly ,the fire shows up attacks frost leaving a wound at her arm .

         She makes her idea face,then meets up her mum (Caitlin's mum( who is an expert in cold fission(that's why the fire runs on) then conviences with her plan,then meets up with star-labs informing the team of her plan (To use her as a bait to lure to flame to star-labs then trap it ).

       The rest of the team buys the idea but Barry doesn't as the plan puts frost live in joepardy or arms way. Later on frost gets to talk to Barry then conviences him to go on with the plan ,then he agrees .

       With iris still at coaster city helping the meta Human find her mum she gets closer as she gets the contacts of her mum finally ,it is time for her to reunite with her mum after a very long years of waiting and hope .

         At star-labs the team starts up the plan with every thing put in place it was time . The fire was lured in as planned but something went wrong as the fire exitatted and keeps a long distance away from the trap(A.S.F fusion sphere)it attacks frost sending her flying of ,landing to the ground with Barry saving her .

       As a result frost was left unconscious then taken to the med-lab where Caitlin (who was just back from her vacation in hearing the news ) ,attends to her .

        Then Caitlin yells at frost and mum for putting frost in arms way . Later on they were able to convience Caitlin to go on with the plan .

       Caitlin's mum reveals a shocking news to frost and the rest of team flash . Guess what?frost is not the only ice queen Caitlin mum is also .

       So the team comes up with plan 2,this time around is to use Caitlin's mum and  frost as a bait which the fire wouldn't resist .

       Joe talks Barry into going in well with the plan and tells him "this isn't about frost only is about iris too ". Telling him that iris even in her condition is still out there helping the meta at caost city just like the way first is doing right now.

       While at caost city is time for the meet her mother she knocks the door the mother opens up and says"yes who are you and how can I help you" then the meta says"your daughter".

        She got emotional in seeing her daughter and then welcomes them in and narrates how it has been for her without her daughter and the circumstances behind her abandoning her .

        The team goes you with the plan with all the members at their points this time the fires comes in and then it is getting sucked up by the trap(fusion sphere) in the process Caitlin's mother couldn't handle her powers anymore then starts going into cardiac arrest but she still pushes forward.

          Then the fission sphere fails then frost quickly saves her mum(Caitlin's mum also) and stops the  by pulling the plug allowing the flame to escape.

        While at coast city iris gets attacked by the time sickness the meta's mum touches her in an attempt to know what's going on but instead the sickness extends to her and send her off disappearing her . Leaving the meta upset yelling "what did you do to her ".

          The team supports frost by making the right call and  by saving her mum and letting the flame escape. Then comes up with the idea of sending a strong signal and this time around no bait .

        Later on, Caitlin, her mum and frost at home spending some quality time together as a family Caitlin's phones rings she then answers the call (Marcus  call) excusing the two.

        The two engages in a mother and daughter conversation then her mum tells frost her much she loves her as a daughter then the two hugs .

      After the calm Caitlin goes to the kitchen the lights starts shaking thinking it's first says ( it isn't funny frost,joyfully) then she turns and See's the flame she turns to her phone to make a distress broadcast to team flash but it is far away .

         With fright all over Caitlin the fire surprisenly gives her a speech of someone who was close to her in the past . Guess who was that, it is was Rooney in surprise she says "Rooney?".

        The show ends...

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