The show begins with Barry (Grant Gustin) patrolling Central city saving citizens such like stopping a thief, stopping a robbery and also saving an old woman from being hit by a car .
Barry(Grant Gustin) runs to meet the team having a great time at Joe's house playing a family game .
His phone beeps, guess who called ? ,It was captain David .
Barry speeds up to meet up ,he tells Barry he came because of a recent case of investigating someone stealing tech from mercury labs .
Barry super speeds the while investigation process marveling David then quickly solves the case that hide out location would be around the lake. then later went to inform the team .
Barry searches the perimeter he believes he would see the hide out on searching he sees it .
It was a van full of mods from the items that were stolen before he could run it to star-labs for analysis he was confronted by the villain(A doctor).
He asks the doctor what it does then the doctor uses the machine to blast Barry making him unconscious .
Later on he goes to star-labs to have Gideon run diagnosis on him she detect multiple complications on Barry system .
it appears that he cells has start degrading and he has start to age more rapidly apparently he has biologically aged over a 30 years .
As a result ,Barry's meta abilities depletes by 29%. So Barry is adviced not to go out into the field but Barry neglect her advice .
The star-labs alarms blows up informing that the Dr is back . Barry speeds up to the scene trying the stop the Dr from the theft but the doctir throws a grenade at him as a result of his poor eye sight due to old age he couldn't catch it .
it hits him rendering Barry Allen(Grant Gustin) unconscious .
Later on at star-labs the team analysis Barry and tells him that continous use of the speed force speeds up his aging process .
While Joe on the other hand around with his pal David,he advices him to move on and do something new after retirement .
While at star-labs Barry and cecile goes to do a research on this doctor ,they went to see his records at his former working place where they see his lap-top and could not acess the information as a result of the encryption and the information at the verge of been wiped out .
Barry and cecile speeds up but this time around to an unknown destination it appears Barry misplaces them as a result of memory loss due to old age .
Chester was able to stop the count down on the laptop and later on,the team finally finds out his plan to use to ma hine he stole to transfer the youngness of central city to his old self and make other old.
Later on, he strikes again this time around with his master plan tries to run their but the team tells him that if he uses the speed force he could die as a result of old age but he was able to convience them enough .
Flash speeds up there he sees the machine is again activated he runs round it in circles trying to over charge and burn out the machine with his speed force energy but at the risk of dying at old age due to the use of his speed force .
As Barry keeps running so also he is aging ti the extend he age biologically up to and 100 years going into cardiac arrest then the machine burns out . Once again flash saves central city .
As a result,flash becomes younger than before and the dr ages to his initial age then the Dr in disappoint says "my time is all gone " flash tells him take my advice " spend the time you have left in prison".
With the team all having a good time again at Joe's place ,Joe's surprises them with his new behaviour , it seems like David advice has worked.
Barry phone beeps and it's Caitlin's mum she is worried about her. Barry goes to see cautlin he face through the door then he sees her laboratory
Then he ask Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) what's going on Caitlin tells him her plan on bringing frost back but Barry doesn't buy the idea .
Caitlin tries using Barry mum ( you could bring your mum back) but Barry isn't still convienced the he tells Caitlin to try to move but she says she can't and she still has the strong will of bring frost back .
Barry tells Caitlin he is sorry he build up enough lightening then destroys her entire lab and takes the mirror gun and says he his sorry he then leaves .
Caitlin is only left with frost 's clothes lying in the ground .
The show ends ........
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